Book List On Parenting

We all have those books we read & they stick with us so much that we want to tell everyone about them and I am no different when it comes to books and book lists. I have lists for kids books, boys becoming men, chapter books, picture books, home decor, organizing, and the list goes on but I think you get the point. This is one I am excited to share with you because it is a list of some of my favorite PARENTING BOOKS!

I do have to remember this quite often when reading any parenting book, the words in the pages are just ideas that have worked for others and their families. I can read them and even adopt some of the ideas in the books but many times, I have to change some of the ways it is implemented in our family.

I read “Loving the Little Years” when my first born was about 10 months old and I remember how relatable that book was for me. It was a small enough book that I felt I could read one easy chapter between naps and felt like I was actually accomplishing something. That was the book that inspired me to find other “relatable” books and reads that encourage a mommas heart. As you read through the list and maybe even read through some of the books, I encourage you to not take any of them as the way things have to be done. But instead, keep your heart open to learning as you read.

My favorite way to read these books it to pair them together, reading them and taking some strong ideas from one and pairing them with strong ideas from another and creating our own family way of doing things.

The last book on the list was the one that perplexed me the most for many, many, years. The writings in the word of God were not what perplexed me, it was this idea that people always said “the Bible is the best parenting book” and search as I might, I could not find many direct scriptures on parenting [aside from some in proverbs, a few in Deuteronomy and maybe a few others, scattered throughout, there was no section titled “I have a child, now what?”. I kept searching the pages of the bible, looking for what others saw in it as the greatest parenting book, and I remember when I realized that in fact the Word of God WAS the best parenting book, not because it gave detailed instructions on how to change my child or have them obey promptly, but it did give instructions on how to change my attitude and my own heart issues. It showed me a clear picture of the areas I needed to grow and in doing so, I began parenting in a different light. I began taking what I was learning, applying it and in turn, it was also being adopted by those tiny hearts in my family. By growing in the word myself, I began teaching my children with actions over words.

My hope is that some of these books may be an encouragement to you as they have been for me. Enjoy reading lovely mommas!


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