The Makings Of Home

Regardless if you live in a 900 square foot apartment overlooking a busy street, a bright cottage tucked away on a quiet street, a house on wheels constantly on the road, or a sizable ranch on a mountainside, there are some things that are essential in making up home. And I’m not talking about the perfect couch or those amazing linen sheets for our king bed, I’m taking about the things that make our home FEEL a certain way. Each of our homes will look different as the things we value are unique to our family & lifestyle and that’s quite ok! But I think there are certain things that are true for any home, regardless of country, state, language spoken, public schooled or homeschooled… these things listed truly make up home

Our home is made up of the words we speak and the tone in which we say our thoughts to one another

It’s made up of respect for each member of the family, and how we show that respect with their things, their time, their words and thoughts.

It’s made up of the joy we bring in when we choose to laugh at the spilled milk running off the edge of the table

It’s made up of the ways we add value to each person living inside and to those who walk through out door

Our home is made up of the words and thoughts we allow in through media, books and music

It’s made up of the time we gift each other and in a quick moment we say I love you without words.

It’s made up of our traditions like birthday pancakes with chocolate chips or Christmas Eve pile-ups

It’s made up of the friends we invite to sit around our campfires and share some sweet autumn evenings with

It’s made up of thoughts about each other and how we echo that back to them

It’s made up of the peace we emanate when we speak gently toward each other.

It’s made up of the times we say yes to reading one more book

Home is made up of songs we play while cooking our favorite meal

So yes, more than the rug we choose or the antique shelf we score from our local shop, home is made up of the intentional choices we make daily. And when we purposefully choose these things, those amazing linen curtains or the pair of cozy reading chairs we acquired are simply the icing on the cake.


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